Eating the seeds was one of the best parts!
Unfortunately, we still do not have the pictures of our final project...they were rather cute little pumpkins!!
The most significant of events was our little cub celebrating his first birthday on the 29th! Wow...a whole year has gone by already. Seriously, when you have children, the time starts going by at warp speed!!
We celebrated his big milestone birthday with a Yeehaw cowboy round 'em up party...lots of little people were there with their families.
The cowboy birthday theme worked well for our Halloween dress-up...we ended up with the best-in-the-west cow-poke pair! We first took her to trick-or-treat to 3 neighbor houses, and then stopped by our dear friends' house across town--where we ended up staying for the next 2 hours! It was so much fun! Aunt Jani and Uncle Den were way more fun than any carnival in